Tuesday, September 7, 2010

using foreach loop in entity framework result

An ideal environment for creation of business applications should allow developers to describe the business logic and state of the problem domain which they are modeling with minimum or no "noise" coming from the underlying representation and the infrastructure that supports it. Applications should be able to interact with the stores that maintain the persistent state of the system in the terms of the problem domain; specifically in the terms of a conceptual domain model, completely separated from the logical schema of the underlying store.
One would expect developers to be able to write something like the piece of code below:
// we'll use the order-tracking store
using(OrderTracking orderTracking = new OrderTracking()) {

    // find all the pending orders for sales people
    // in Washington
    var orders = from order in orderTracking.SalesOrders
                 where order.Status == "Pending Stock Verification" &&
                       order.SalesPerson.State == "WA"
                 select order;

    foreach(SalesOrder order in orders) {

        // obtain a list of StockAppProduct objects
        // to be used for validation
        List products = new List(
            from orderLine in order.Lines
            select new StockAppProduct {
                ProductID = orderLine.Product.ID,
                LocatorCode = ComputeLocatorCode(orderLine.Product)

        // make sure all products for this order
        // are in stock through the stock management
        // system
        if(StockApp.CheckAvailability(products)) {
            // mark the order as "shippable"
            order.Status = "Shippable";

    // if we marked one or more orders as shippable, persist
    // the changes in the store
There are two elements that are important to highlight in the code above:
  • No artificial constructs. It's common to see applications that need to adapt to peculiarities of the underlying store schema. For example, applications built on top of relational databases often have to make extensive use of joins in order to navigate through relationships. In the code above, in contrast, the "shape" of the data follows the abstractions of the problem being modeled; there are "orders", which have "order lines" and that are related to a "sales person".
  • No plumbing. The code is very database intensive, yet there are no database connection objects, no external language such as SQL for query formulation, no parameter binding, no configuration embedded in code. In this sense, you could say this code is "pure business logic".
This is the class of expressiveness and abstraction level that ADO.NET, and in particular LINQ and the Entity Framework working together, brings to application development.
The rest of this paper describes in detail the various elements that work together in order to make the sample above work.

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